Employee of the Month - September 2015
Helping The University of Pennsylvania Freshmen Student Move-In!
Events, NewsPhilly Tempscandidates, clients, convention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, hospitality, job search, movein, office staff, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, resume, staff, students, temp, temp jobs, temp workers, temporary staff, temporary work, temps, university of pennsylvania, UPenn, workers
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month
Philly Temps' Staff at the Marriott!
Events, NewsPhilly Tempsconvention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, job search, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, resume, staff, staffing, temp, temp employee, temp employees, temp jobs, temp staff, temp work, temp workers, temporary staff, temps, workers
Employee of the Month Carol Torrico
Philly Temps at Brick Fest Live!
Philly Tempscandidates, clients, convention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, jobs, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, staff, staffing, temp, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temps
Employee of the Month
Philly Temps' Staff in Action
Events, News, Staffing StoriesPhilly Tempsadministrative, candidates, clients, companies, convention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, jobs, office staff, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, resume, staff, staffing, temp, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temps, timely, workers
Employee of the Month
Day 3 of the AAHPM Convention
Events, News, Staffing StoriesPhilly Tempscandidates, clients, convention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, staff, staffing, temp, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temps, workers
AAHPM Convention
News, Staffing StoriesPhilly Tempsconvention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, jobs, news, office staff, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, staff, staffing, staffing agency, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temps
Snow Day? Not in the Convention business!
News, Staffing StoriesPhilly Tempsagency, convention, convention center, conventions, employee, event, expo, hospitality, pcvb, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, staff, staffing, temp, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temps
Philly Temps Welcomes ACRE Wholesale Crafts Show and PACK Expo East!
Events, Staffing StoriesPhilly Tempsacre wholesale craft, administrative, convention, convention center, conventions, craft, craft show, employee, event, events, expo, hospitality, Philadelphia, philly, Philly Temps, registration, registration staff, show, staffing, temp agency, temp jobs, temp work, temp workers, temporary staff, temps, workers
More Great News for Our City!
Employee of the Month - February 2015: Haylie Carlson
Employee of the Month - January 2015: Hilary Hott
What Makes a Good Employee?
Employee of the Month- December 2014
Employee of the Month for November 2014: Ayanna Glover