February 2024 Employee of the Month!


Meet The Philly Temps & Perm Employee of the Month for February 2024 - Indira M!

Information shared does not always equal information absorbed, however, in the case of Indira M, we know that every detail has been reviewed, accepted, and committed to memory. We also know that when she shows up for an assignment, she is ready!

Philly Temps is always on the look out for staff that recognize the importance of paying attention to what is happening in front of them and parlaying that information into success. We have found that in Indira!

Always pleasant and professional, she does a great job of saving the small talk until the task at hand is complete. She is also a great example of always learning and carrying everything learned to her next assignment.

Thank you, Indira, for all that you do.

Philly Temps (PT): How long have you lived in the Philadelphia, PA area?    

Indira M. (IM): I've lived in Philadelphia for 17 years now.

PT: What was your work experience prior to working with Philly Temps?  

IM: My work experience prior to Philly Temps has been as a Caregiver for 5 years, until Philly Temps gave me the opportunity for a new experience.

PT: How did you hear about Philly Temps?   

IM: I heard about Philly Temps through Indeed Jobs

PT: Please share your most memorable experience working for Philly Temps.

IM:   My most memorable working experience had to be working at a recent convention. The amazing team we were paired with allowed us to perform our tasks with no worries at all - overall, it was a great experience.

PT: Do you have a favorite local place to shop or visit?

IM: My favorite local place to visit would have to be by the Water Works. I love going out there with a blanket and a good book to spend a nice day.

PT: What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?  

IM: My hobbies outside of work are reading, creating art, sightseeing, and spending time with my family.

PT: What are your long-term career goals?

IM: My long-term career goals are to finish my Certified Medical Assistant trade and then go to college for my Bachelor’s Degree in Mortuary / Medical Science.

PT: What advice can you give to prospective candidates that want to work with Philly Temps?

IM: The only advice I would give is to arrive on-site a bit early so you have extra time to find supervisors and whatever else you may need to start your day.