Project-based Opportunity for Philly Temps


Occasionally we staff for large scale projects. In these instances, we like to try to get as many of our convention and event temps working as possible, provided they have done well on previous assignments. We also reach out to some of our Administrative temps to see if they may be interested in joining a temporary project. Anyone who is registered with Philly Temps is asked to call or email their availability. Occasionally we need to do recruiting bursts to add to our ranks. Our favorite way to identify high-caliber workers is through the recommendation of our temps we already know and trust. People who have excelled in customer service positions in the past are strongly encouraged to have their friends contact us and let us know that they are a referral. We are always seeking outgoing and enthusiastic team members with an excellent work ethic.

Philly Temps has a big two-day project coming up mid-August that requires a willingness to work outdoors rain or shine. These positions do require physical labor as well as standing for long periods of time in addition to excellent customer service skills. This project pays the standard convention rate, but the uniform will be shorts and a tee-shirt. This project is public transportation accessible. If you are currently registered with Philly Temps, or you are interested in this assignment, for more information email We look forward to working with you!